How she move

In recent entries by farzanadoctorLeave a Comment

When I heard that people like Jennifer Kawaja and Ian Iqbal Rashid were behind the new film How She Move, I just knew I had to go see it.

Check out the film at:

I liked how this was not another story about a white female teacher ‘saving’ the black kids. I loved watching the incredible, athletic, dance moves. The stories were all about poor Toronto black kids and their families. The female characters were complex, strong and their primary struggles were not romantic.  The male characters were not two-dimensional stereotypes. The happy ending was a bit Hollywoodish, but, hey, I love happy endings.

Another thing very cool about the opening night–it was dyke city at the Paramount! In particular, it seemed like nearly all the queer women of colour I know came out to support the film on it’s first weekend in the theatres.

Go see it! 

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