It’s been a productive week of writing: a little more story development, editing and a few more pages tapped out on the keyboard. Once in a while writing feels easy–I fall into some kind of “zone” and time and words flow well. Most of the time, however, it is a disciplined practice of staying in my chair and not getting distracted away. This week I experienced mostly the latter!
A did two readings at wonderful events this week too. The first was a presentation/reading at the Alliance for South Asian AIDS Prevention’s AGM. The second was an event for the LGBTTTIQ CAMH Working Group, called “Queer Within These Walls”. Thanks to all of you who came out and supported these events.
Coming up this week is a reading in Thunder Bay, Ontario, at the Northern Woman’s Bookstore on Friday September 28th, 7:30pm.
Also, I will be at Toronto’s Word on the Street on Sunday September 30th at 12:15 at the Diaspora Dialogues tent in Queen’s Park and will be doing book signings at the Inanna table at 1pm. If you are in the area, please come by!
On a different note…those of you in Ontario will know that we’re having an election and referendum on October 10th. The Ontario Citizens’ Assembly has recommended that we change our system to MMP, or Mixed Member Proportional. This could be an exciting change to our system, one that promotes better representation and democracy. Find our more about it so that you can make an informed choice in our referendum!