Getting Back to Work

In recent entries by farzanadoctorLeave a Comment

it’s Labour Day and I’m getting myself ready to go back to work, my decades-old programming making me clear off my desk, consider my wardrobe and set my alarm clock today! Labour Day is also a celebration of the labour movement and unions, which have made most of our work lives easier. Happy Labour Day!

I’m busy doing final revisions on my second novel, provisionally titled New Skin, and setting up my reading schedule for the fall and winter. Here are a few dates so far:

September 16th, 7pm at Ladyfest Toronto, Beaver Hall, 29 McCaul Street.

October 8th, McMaster Alumni Book Club, Toronto, details TBA.

November 7th, reading at Simone De Beauvoir Institute, Montreal, details TBA.

November 20th, 8pm, OutWrite, Washington DC.

December 26th, 8pm, Hamaira Mushaira, South Asian Literature Association conference, San Francisco.

Did you know that Stealing Nasreen now has a glossary? Check it out at

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