holiday thoughts

In recent entries by farzanadoctorLeave a Comment

After today, I will be on vacation for 10 days. It comes at a very good time. The past summer and fall have been busy and exciting for Stealing Nasreen and for the slowly developing new novel (page count 204 today!). I look forward to a break filled with friends, food, and self-care.

I don’t celebrate Christmas. My family are mostly assimilated (to some degree) Muslims who do like celebrating Christmas, but I’ve never really gone in for the consumer driven nature of it.  In my most Grinchiest moments I think that most people (with the exception of people who really do celebrate the Christian holiday that comes at this time of year) should be wishing one another “Happy Shopping” rather “Merry Christmas”.

Did you hear about the news reports of children receiving nasty Canada Post letters from the “North Pole”? Although I don’t think anyone should receive abusive letters (especially kids), what was with all the righteous indignation that parents expressed about Christmas being ruined for their children? They’re the ones lying to their wee ones about a fictitious bearded man who flies around and delivers gifts based on a merit system (and we all know that Santa really delivers based on a class-based system). 

What I do love about this time of year is that people seem a little happier. In general, people seem to look forward to a celebration, a few days off. There is a sweet generosity in the air (except if you are in the malls). This week, I ate marvelous cookies baked and gifted to me by my lovely neighbours and friends. I have plans to go skiing, to movies and out for dinner with loved ones. All good stuff.

So whatever you celebrate (or don’t), be it Hanukkah, Kwanza, Eid, Christmas, Shopping, Solstice or Festivus, have a great time!

festivus video

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