I read at the Midland Public Library on Wednesday. The librarian and I weren’t really sure what to expect because the region is a little quiet in the winter (it’s …
New Year Happenings…
Happy New Year! I started my year by reading at the First Annual Mayworks New Year’s Day Poetry Marathon. Sixty poets performed for 5 minutes each, for 5 hours. The …
Open Book Toronto “Overlooked Book List”
Thanks to all of you who nominated Stealing Nasreen for the Open Book “Overlooked Book List”! Thanks to you, Stealing Nasreen made it on the list! Go to www.openbooktoronto.com to …
I spent yesterday afternoon skating at Harbourfront with my sister and nephew. It was my first time on a rink this year. I tottered onto the ice, my body having forgotten …
holiday thoughts
After today, I will be on vacation for 10 days. It comes at a very good time. The past summer and fall have been busy and exciting for Stealing Nasreen …
For Aqsa
I was very saddened at the news about Aqsa Parvez. I thought about how very vulnerable 16 year old girls can be, especially when they resist their parents, when they …
The Census and 49.9% of Torontonians
Today’s Toronto Star front page feature on “The Rainbow City”, its report on this year’s census data, was of huge interest to me. It’s pretty amazing that just under half of …
Ottawa Reading and the Open Book “Overlooked Books” list
I was in Ottawa yesterday for a lovely reading at the Collected Works Bookstore. What a great audience! I was asked some really interesting questions that made me think more …
Writing Time and Ottawa Reading
So far, November has provided me with lots of writing time. I’m esconced in the second novel, still untitled (although in a couple of grant applications, I’m calling it Mistake, …
Contest Winners!
Thanks to everyone who entered the contest. The lucky winners are: Laura W., Tasleem B., and Aisha G. All winners will be contacted by e-mail.
Last Chance to Enter the Contest!
The contest for a free copy of Stealing Nasreen closes on November 20th! Scroll down for details!
Poetry Slam Virgin
I attended my first ever Toronto Poetry Slam last night. I went because one of my friends, Emily, was going to compete, and I thought it might be interesting enough. …
WIN a copy of Stealing Nasreen!
WIN a copy of Stealing Nasreen! Search for the answer to this skill-testing question (you’ll find the answer somewhere on this blog): which fabulous bookstore hosted one of my Vancouver …
Frightening the neighbourhood children
I adore Hallowe’en and always have. It’s the one Western mainstream holiday that I plan and prepare for (and probably spend too much money on). My costumes have been very …
Vancouver and Victoria
I had a terrific time in BC this past week. My colleague, Silvana Bazet, and I taught for three days at the Justice Institute in New Westminster for three days …
Off to BC this week…
I’m excited to be heading to British Columbia this week. It’s been years since I’ve been there. I’ll be co-facilitating 2 workshops with fellow psychotherapist, Silvana Bazet (above is a …
Post election blues and launch of Soucouyant
It’s always hard facing the day after an election night (at least from my perspective). MMP was turned down by Ontarians and there was some indication from media reports that many people …
Ontario referendum and launch of Soucouyant
The Ontario election is coming up this Wednesday. We’re also having our first provincial referendum since 1924 (which was on the question of prohibition). This referendum addresses the question of …
New and Old Friends…
This has been a heartwarming week, for a few reasons… I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Ben Barry, a socially conscious entrepeneur and journalist for Report on Business. …
Reading, Writing and MMP
It’s been a productive week of writing: a little more story development, editing and a few more pages tapped out on the keyboard. Once in a while writing feels easy–I …
Readings coming up this week
Ramadan Mubarak and Shanah Tova everyone! This week, I will be reading at a noon-time event at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health: “Queer Within These Walls”, Wednesday September …
Reading at the St. Christopher House Literacy Program’s 30th Anniversary Party
If you spend any time in Toronto’s downtown west neighbourhoods, you’ll probably be a little familiar with St Christopher House (http://www.stchrishouse.org/), a local social service agency that serves the city’s …
a new year starting…
I think many of us, trained for so many years by our school system, view September as a kind of new year. Even if we aren’t students or academics, September can …