During the past 8 days, my sister and I drove from south Texas to Ohio, doing 6 Stealing Nasreen book readings in 5 cities. Here are the highlights: -meeting the …
my bags are packed…
and I am off for the 2nd leg of my US book tour. Hope to meet you at one of these events! For more info about the tour, see: http://www.qsanantonio.com/qsanews/qsapages/focusmain.html SAN ANTONIO: …
Jamaican family reunion and my upcoming tour
I have just come back from a week in Jamaica, where I participated in my partner’s family’s family reunion. It was terrific to be amongst the Nicholson clan— to …
Updates on the US book tour plans
You’ll see from last week’s post, I was in the midst of book tour designing. It’s been quite a labour intensive process to coordinate our dates and bookstore availability, but …
Planning the next leg of my home-made tour!
My father is giving my older sister a used car and so she’s asked me to help her drive it from south Texas, where dad lives, back to Ontario. I …
New York and Philly
I’ve just returned from my New York and Philly Readings. In New York, I read at Bluestockings (www.bluestockings.com) … a lovely independent bookstore and cafe that is also collectively run. …
About me and media interviews « blogwala
About me and media interviews « blogwala
Local Readings
I did two very small, but sweet readings this week. The first was for RyePRIDE, Ryerson University’s queer student association. A total of nine people attended, I read from Stealing Nasreen, …
Canada Day Writing
I’ve been doing a lot of travelling lately, so I am very pleased to be home this long weekend. It’s been a time for cleaning, working in the garden, and …
San Francisco
San Francisco’s hills, Victorian houses, tropical foliage, taquerias and gay pride wooed me until I fell in love with it this weekend. I want to express a particular appreciation for San Francisco’s Desi …
more touring
I went to Hamilton Pride for the first time last week, and read there along with Elizabeth Ruth and Sky Gilbert. It was a beautiful, sunny day and Hamiltonians know …
Parkdale Pride
I read last night at Parkdale Pride at the Parkdale Community Health Centre. I love the place. I once co-facilitated a group for lesbians there and more recently co-ran an …
post-launch high
Well, I am on a post-launch high. It’s been an amazing and busy few days: last minute CBC interviews, launch details, a new hairdo, a standing-room-only launch night and then …
The books have arrived
The UPS guy looked a little bothered when I excitedly asked “want to know what’s in the boxes?” I told him “it’s my novel, it’s my novel!” I must have …
I love community radio
Ok I really do. My last post was about Amita and Masala Mixx. But I have been really amazed at just how inviting folks from community radio have been to …
On the radio with Amita
I did my very first radio interview for Stealing Nasreen with Amita Handa (Masala Mixx, CLKN 88.1). Amidst the mela of the crowds at Dundas Square and the competing sounds …
Reviewing “Comfort Food for Breakups”
It’s been a really long time since I’ve written a book review, and this is my first memoir review ever. I’m writing it for Herizons and it is almost done. …
This week, I was asked to read at Converge, an annual event about creativity and queerness held at Ursula Franklin Academy in Toronto. The audience is mostly queer and queer positive …
on mother’s day
Mother’s Day has been a non-event for me for the past 25 years. Not exactly a neutral day, it’s a day I barely acknowledge, and usually criticize as the Hallmark holiday it is …
Book promo a-go-go
Over the last couple of months, I have been experiencing the baby-step beginnings of the transition from “writer” to “author”. I have been writing dozens of e-mails every day, encouraging librarians …
Binging on Atwood
At my last writing group meeting, we talked about the authors who had significantly influenced us as writers. One woman talked about a poet who helped her make the connections between …
Final edits
It’s been a busy couple of weeks. I mailed out the Stealing Nasreen galley, marked up with anxious notes and strikethroughs and last-minute edits, to my publisher this past Monday. It’s been …
why I write fiction
My writing group did a free writing exercise on why we write this week. I like to express myself politically, socially, professionally. But why I write fiction is a little harder …